The following files may be downloaded.
This is the full MicroBase 4.6 installation file (currently revision It is about 53MB.
Click on the link below to start the download. Depending on your browser, you will be asked to either run or save (Internet Explorer), or just save (Firefox), or the file will just be downloaded (Chrome). Select run if available, else save if offered and then open the saved file, or just open the downloaded file otherwise. Click through any security warnings, including SmartScreen Filter, and you may again be asked to run a MicroDecisions, Inc. digitally signed file before the installation starts.
After installation, when the product starts, your disk will be searched for a prior configuration so that your login id, password, license, product configuration and custom formats can be carried over - so leave any prior versions installed until the new version is configured. If a prior configuration cannot be found, you will need your login id, password and a license key. You can get these by calling our office at (407) 843-1550 if you do not have them. If our office is closed, please email - this mailbox is checked at least daily when we are closed.
New subscribers may also call our office or e-mail to get the above access codes.
(If you get an installation or upgrade error, please see this FAQ I am getting an 'Application will not start' error message. What do I do?.)
More likely, if using Microsoft Edge, you will likely see a SmartScreen message saying setup.exe was blocked because it could harm your device. This file is needed to install our product and has been digitally signed by us authenticating the file. So bypass this: select the file, and click on the three dots (...) next to the trashcan. Select Keep. It would also help our other customers if you also clicked Report this file as safe. The file, after all, was generated by a Microsoft product. You will then see another warning that this Microsoft generated file might harm your device, with Delete and Cancel options. But instead click Show more and select Keep anyway. You will be returned to the drop-down containing the name of the downloaded file with an option now to Open file. Please do so. But there's more! You will see yet another warning and option to run this file. Select Run. We suggest you use Chrome - you get only one perfectly acceptable warning and you can see the button you need.
Note that Microsoft has ended mainstream support for Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1. We only support Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11. Try this link if the link above fails due to prerequisites or some other Microsoft component not being installed. (Unlikely).
Download MicroBase Plus 4.6 with Microsoft component installer.
If using Microsoft Edge, please see the instructions above. Ironically, after the last warning, a Microsoft dialog opens asking you to approve their license terms.
Our help file MBWPlus.Chm is also updated infrequently with newer items. If you would like the latest copy, download the following file. Note this version of help matches version 4.6 and covers the new functionality in version 4.5.
Download MBWPlus.Chm Dated 08/21/2015
Remember to click Unblock on the General tab on the file's properties window - else you will see 'Navigation to the webpage was canceled'.
Please use our User Guide as a supplement to the context-sensitive on-line help. This guide contains detailed instructions on how to perform common tasks. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read it which is very likely installed on your machine already.